Friday, June 26, 2009

Notre-Dame et Le Shopping

We climbed all the way to the top of Notre-Dame Cathedral.
We saw: flying buttresses, rose windows, chimera, tripartide porch-front,
ambulatory, radiating chapels, post-and-lintel, archivault, pointed arches, etc. etc. *
* see art history book for definitions.

Angela lit some candles for her family.

And Roxanne had fun playing Esmerelda in the bell tower.
If only she would meet her Quasimodo??

Off to camp tomorrow!
AM et RC

Angela's Future Home

Yes. This is it. C'est magnifique!
Here we are at the gates and then in the grand hall of mirrors.
Absolutely breath-taking...

All the excitement, or the heat, eventually caught up with Angela...
and she suffered a nose-bleed.
Fortunately the French pompier was very kind to us.

Yet she still manages to look super-chic in her marc jacobs sunglasses!

AM et RC
(AM also happen to be the initials of Marie-Antoinette)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Food, Glorious Food!

Pour le petit déjeuner...

Pour le dîner...

Pour le dessert...

Just wanted to make you jealous!
AM et RC

Un Changement de Plans....

While we were supposed to travel to Cannes today for a few days in the sun, due to some complications we’re now forced to stay in Paris.

But with rooms like this, who can complain?

Of course that's not real, but we enjoyed imagining it was all ours!

We also had fun being silly while in the Louvre...

Off to Versailles tomorrow!

Excited to see what other treasures there are...


AM et RC

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Etes-vous parisiennes? Oui, oui merci!

Today we planned on visiting the Louvre -- too bad it is closed on Tuesdays! Oh well, we still had fun exploring the architecture.

Such an incredible building....
After our promenade autour le Louvre, we strolled through a grand parc towards Angela's new boyfriend, La Tour Eiffel.

(Once, it was the security guard at the Eiffel Tower, whom we deem the world's best tourist spotter... we were flattered and Angela gave a lovely enchante!)
Highlight of our lives!

Or was this the highlight?

After we finished climbing 0ver 800 stairs!

So beautiful -- nous nous amusons plus que jamais-- we're having the best time of our lives!
AM et RC

Monday, June 22, 2009

Hotel de Blois

Paris is beyond beautiful. Even the McDonald's is beautiful!
These are the lovely views from my bedroom window...

And how fitting that as soon as I turn on the TV I find myself watching LADY GAGA's music video for LOVEGAME. Very exciting!

Just waiting for Roxanne so our first night in Paris can begin!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Bonjour, Paris!

On the plane I watched The Edge of Love, which was beautiful, mainly because the actors themselves are so beautiful...

I listened to the Atonement soundtrack, which I think is perfection:

And I read a little of Henry Miller's Tropic of Cancer. I do not think my first trip to Paris will be as exciting as his, but I did enjoy this bit:

"Paris. Paris. Where everything happens."

We'll see!